The following is a reprint of the JCF's Money Matters column, published in the August 9, 2023 issue of the Jewish Community Voice:
Our South Jersey Jewish community overflows with people of all ages who are passionate about giving back, and the Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. has the great privilege of working with many of them to establish funds to facilitate their philanthropy.
Let’s look at five funds that the JCF holds and meet the passionate donors behind them:
• Richard B. Charny JCC Camps Endowment Fund: To honor the legacy of Richard B. “Rick” Charny (z”l), who had a passion for supporting the JCC Camps at Medford during his lifetime, loved ones created an endowment fund in 2015 with the JCF in his memory. The fund subsidizes the cost of attending camp for campers whose families are struggling with health-related issues. To learn more about this fund, visit jcfsnj.org/charny-fund
• Seymour Siegel Youth Achievement Award Endowment Fund: The entire Board and staff of the JCF are saddened by the death of Seymour “Sy” Siegel (z”l) in July at 103 years young. Sy loved our community and helping others, particularly those in need pursuing post-high school education. To provide support, he established a scholarship endowment fund with the JCF. Read more about his fund and, if you’re so inclined, make a memorial contribution to his fund at jcfsnj.org/sy-siegel-fund
• Faktorow Family Jewish Film Festival of the Katz JCC Endowment Fund: We also remember Shelly Faktorow, who recently died at the age of 89. During his lifetime, Shelly and his wife, Miriam (z”l), were devoted supporters of the Katz JCC, where they volunteered and enjoyed countless activities and events. One of their passions was supporting the JCC’s Jewish Film Festival (now part of the JCC’s new Festival event in November). To ensure that Jewish films would be shown for the community at the JCC every year, the Faktorows established an endowment fund that provides annual income for the event. To memorialize Shelly and Miriam, you may contribute to this fund by visiting jcfsnj.org/faktorow-fund
• Tools for School Fund: Founded in 2013 by Lilly and Montana Checkoff, who were teens at the time, Tools for School (TFS) raises money to purchase backpacks and school supplies for South Jersey/- Philadelphia-area children in need. The JCF serves as a “fiscal sponsor,” enabling TFS to accept donations and do their great work, while the JCF handles admin work such as processing checks for payments. Looking for a great way to give back to others this summer? On Sunday, Aug. 13, join volunteers in Margate to fill backpacks ahead of delivering them to students before school starts; to get involved in or donate to this impactful cause, visit jcfsnj.org/tfs or email montanacheck@icloud.com
• PALS (Peers Using AAC for Language and Socialization) Fund: Another initiative where the JCF serves as a fiscal sponsor, PALS is a week-long summer program that brings together a group of young adults with disabilities who use non-verbal/augmentative communication for socialization opportunities. Led by local resident Donna Forman and a committee of facilitators, PALS happens the week of August 14 at the Katz JCC. Participants engage in fun activities throughout the week, culminating in a joyful show on Friday the 18th. To learn more about this phenomenal week, visit jcfsnj.org/pals-fund
Passionate community members created each of these meaningful funds. Hundreds of other passionate donors have established funds of their own with the JCF or have committed to doing so at some future time. Each donor has their own story about their fund, and we’re happy to share as many as we can.
If you have a philanthropic passion that you would like to support through a fund with the JCF, please contact me today at (856) 673-2571 or dsnyder@jfedsnj.org