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JCF Blog

Sep 4, 20242 min read
Endowment Fund Supports Sanders Library's Future
The Harold L. Sanders Memorial Library at the Katz JCC benefits the South Jersey Jewish community and is supported by a JCF endowment fund.

Apr 26, 20232 min read
Meet the Zinns, JCF DAF Donors
The JCF is honored and privileged to assist hundreds of individuals and families throughout South Jersey and beyond in achieving their...

Nov 17, 20222 min read
JWV Post 126: Supporting Scholars with an Endowed Award
While most endowment funds managed by the JCF have been established by individuals and families, organizations often establish...

Jul 27, 20223 min read
JCF Fund Profile: Meet "Tools for School!"
Each donor of the Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. is unique, and so is each fund that our donors create. We enjoy sharing the stories...

Jul 19, 20221 min read
Why Create a Legacy? JCF Donor Alan Blumenfeld Shares His Story
The Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. has the great fortune of working with hundreds of donors who care about the Southern New Jersey...

Jul 14, 20221 min read
Thank You for this New Camden Cemetery Testimonial
Did you know that the JCF helps oversee the two Jewish sections of the New Camden Cemetery at Mt. Ephraim and Ferry Avenues in Camden?...

Jul 19, 20211 min read
JCF Column: 'Opening doors and creating a legacy for generations'
In the JCF's Money Matters column in the July 14th issue of the Jewish Community Voice, we meet Judie and Harry Morrow Ipictured, on...

May 21, 20211 min read
"I Opened a Donor Advised Fund..."
"…because it enables me to give back to charity and lower my tax bill. I can do this by donating appreciated stock into the fund and then...
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