With our most recent fiscal year, which stretched from 10/1/21-9/30/22, behind us, the Jewish Community Foundation has produced a One-Page Annual Report (revised October 9, 2023) to share a dozen updates on our results during that time frame.
Highlights include:
1. Total Grants from All JCF
Funds: $2.98 Million

The JCF could not provide this vital funding to so many deserving causes without the support of donors who established donor advised funds and endowment funds. We thank all JCF donors who enable us to provide this funding.
Of note, this total is a modest decrease from last year's total of $3.56 million.
There are two notable reasons for this year-over-year decline. First, the stock market correction meant less dollars available to distribute from our funds. And second, the previous fiscal year represented a record high for JCF grant distributions, due in large part to a rising stock market at the time, and strong donor interest in providing support for covid-19 pandemic-related challenges. All in all, total grant distributions fluctuate year-to-year based on a variety of factors.
2. Grants from JCF:
Distributed to 350+ Causes
This total replicates the far-reaching charitable support from our donors in the previous fiscal year.
3. Total Support from
JCF Grants Plus
A sum of 34 new and innovative programs and services received $71,000 in JCF Grant funding (a new agency record), while 23 scholars earned $32,000 in JCF Scholarship Awards. Mazel tov to all our grantees and awardees!
4. LIFE & LEGACY PLUS Launches
In partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the JCF is honored to work with Jewish organizations across the Southern New Jersey Jewish community to promote legacy giving to ensure our future. This is a follow-up to the groundbreaking LIFE & LEGACY initiative that successfully boosted the awareness and implementation of after-lifetime giving locally, with more than 600 donors committing to leave a legacy gift.
5. Organizational Restructuring Initiated
In April, the JCF Board approved a new structure, with Jennifer Dubrow Weiss becoming the new CEO and David Snyder starting as JCF Director, while realigning with the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey in other beneficial ways. This new setup is designed to enhance the JCF's output, mitigate costs, and enable us to even better serve the community.
Thank you to all JCF donors for utilizing our services to manage your funds and assist with your philanthropy, and for all that you do in generously supporting vital organizations locally and beyond.
For questions about any of these updates, please contact the JCF at 856-673-2528 or infojcf@jfedsnj.org.