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Looking Back at a Great Year for JCF—and More Great Things to Come

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Looking back at a great year for JCF—and more great things to come

The following is a reprint of the JCF's Money Matters column, published in the September 7 2023 issue of the Jewish Community Voice:

As we approach the Jewish High Holy Days, let’s reflect on this past year for the Jewish Community Foundation, Inc., and prepare for an impactful year ahead:

– With his two-year term ending this October, Robert Elias has served as JCF president in a steady, smart, and savvy fashion. During his tenure, Robert has shared his skills in leadership, finances, donor outreach, and much more to make our agency and our community stronger, setting us up for an even brighter future. We are fortunate that Robert will remain on the Board to continue to support our path forward. The JCF has continued to grow these past two years despite the pandemic— no small achievement. Thank you Robert for your tireless efforts in helping the JCF and so many others in South Jersey!

– In addition, let us recognize several other members of our Executive Committee. First, thank you, Andi Levin, for your service as a JCF vice president and Mazal Tov! for agreeing to lead the JCF as president following your swearing-in next month. With Andi’s depth of experience in so many facets of the Jewish Federation system, including her role as past president of both Jewish Family & Children’s Service and Jewish Senior Housing & Healthcare Service, the JCF couldn’t ask for a better person to follow in Robert’s footsteps, as well as those of the other venerable past presidents who have served the JCF.

– Thank you to Harv Cohen for his service as vice president for the past two years, and it’s wonderful that he will continue serving on our Board. Joining Andi and Treasurer Larry Bernstein on the Executive Committee will be Jocelyn Borowsky and Susan Olinsky as vice presidents, each of whom brings deep expertise, leadership, and passion to the JCF. Expect big accomplishments with this Executive Committee at the helm.

– Retiring from the Board will be past president Milt Gottschalk, whose devotion to growing endowments and his wise insights will be ingrained in our work for years to come.

– We enjoy and appreciate the continued bond with the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey and its family of agencies. In the past year, we have collaborated with the Federation and agencies to assist numerous donors in starting new endowment funds that will benefit the SNJ Jewish community, while also working together on many initiatives, such as the annual Florida Reunion.

– Similarly, we at the JCF are thrilled to have renewed our partnership this past April with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and its LIFE & LEGACY PLUS initiative. This will enhance legacy giving for over 20 local Jewish organizations. Over 600 individuals have committed to a legacy gift since the original launch of LIFE & LEGACY in 2014. In so doing, participating Jewish organizations will benefit from lasting support via endowment fund dollars that will provide vital annual income for generations. You, too, can leave a legacy gift in any amount that can cost you nothing during your lifetime; please contact any participating organization directly, or reach out to JCF Assistant Director Mike Staff at (856) 673-2560 or

– The JCF recognizes the numerous volunteers who do great things for our community via various committees. Thank you to all who participate, but especially the following chairpersons: Sydria Schaffer and Milt Gottschalk (Governance), Rhona Cohen and Andi Levin (Grants), Stanley Cooper and David Ostrum (Investment), Jodi Levine (LIFE & LEGACY), and Carol Roth (Scholarship).

– For 5784 and beyond, consider how a donor advised fund or endowment fund with the JCF could enhance your tzedakah.

Contact me at (856) 673-2571 or to learn more.

From all of us at the JCF,

Shanah Tovah!


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