Breaking a record is not always a simple task, but achieving this can certainly be... a hoot!
The Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. has proudly awarded over $36,000 in JCF Grants to benefit 17 new and innovative programs and services for the Southern New Jersey community.
This dollar amount marks a new record high for one JCF Grants Cycle (apart from a one-time grant for the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey's Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund). This is certainly a record that the JCF likes to break whenever possible!
Collectively, these grants will benefit hundreds and perhaps thousands of local residents.
The JCF's Grants Committee, chaired by Rhona Cohen and Andi Levin, Board of Trustees, and staff look forward to seeing so many exciting initiatives come to fruition in upcoming months as a result of the grants.
Interested in applying for JCF Grants?

Our Fall 2022 JCF Grants Cycle, will open in August and the deadline to apply will be Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 5 p.m.
Prior to applying, we encourage prospective applicants to attend our complimentary Grants Workshop on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 9 a.m. to learn more about the process. RSVP to infojcf@jfedsnj.org.
Contact the JCF at 856-673-2560 with any questions you may have.
Thank you and best of luck to all of our awardees on launching these creative programs and services.