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JCF Endowment Fund Ensures Continuity of Katz JCC Library

Writer's picture: JCFJCF

Prior to the covid-19 pandemic, the Harold Sanders Memorial Library of the Katz JCC would steadily serve 20-30 community members per day who browsed the book collection, borrowed and returned materials, read newspapers, searched for resources, socialized, or conducted small meetings.

Due to the pandemic, the library was shut down starting in March 2020 and reopened this past June, for three days a week. Though the physical premises were not accessible for JCC members for over a year, book discussions and more were held via Zoom to keep people engaged and talking about subjects they enjoy. Now the library is working its way back to opening five days a week, thanks to dedicated volunteers who agreed to help the existing librarian with staffing.

The Sanders Memorial Library, which is located just off the main lobby of the Katz JCC, serves as an important link for many community members, but seniors in particular. To ensure the library's continuity and success, the Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. is proud to be able to provide annual income, thanks to the Harold Sanders Memorial Library Endowment Fund, managed by the JCF.

This endowment fund spins off a percentage of the total value every year, to help the library purchase new collections, maintain the physical needs of the library, and to purchase new equipment. Currently, the Katz JCC is looking at ways for improving the library and the JCF looks forward to supporting their goals.

Thanks to the generosity and foresight of Marcy and Harold (of blessed memory) Sanders, the library can continue to serve the community, and Harold's legacy will continue on for future generations.

To learn more about creating your own legacy, please contact the JCF at 856-673-2528.

Photo notes:

  • The first image, taken in 2019, shows library visitors trying out new e-readers, which were funded in part via a JCF Grant.

  • The second image, also from 2019, show two library visitors enjoying the library's reading materials.

  • Both photos courtesy of the Katz JCC.


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