Endowment Fund Supports Sanders Library's Future
The Harold L. Sanders Memorial Library at the Katz JCC benefits the South Jersey Jewish community and is supported by a JCF endowment fund.
Endowment Fund Supports Sanders Library's Future
Your Support Can Help Keep our Community Vibrant
Create a Legacy that Benefits the Katz JCC
JCF Welcomes Three New Endowment Funds
Uplifting Stories during these Difficult Times
4 JCF Endowment Funds Support Katz JCC Festival
JCF Grants-in-Action Update #31, January 2023
JCF Grants-in-Action Update #30, November 2022
Celebrating 10 "Pawsome" Years of PALS
Welcome Back, Blumenfeld Field Day
JCF Grants-in-Action Update #25
JCF Endowment Fund Ensures Continuity of Katz JCC Library
JCF Grants-in-Action, Spring 2021
© Jewish Community Foundation Inc.
1301 Springdale Rd., Suite 200
Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
856-673-2560 (phone)