Imagine getting together with some of your best friends for a fun week of activities every summer, and ending the week with a celebration.
That's essentially what PALS has been doing for the past decade, and hopefully for many more years ahead, as well.
The Jewish Community Foundation, Inc. proudly supports PALS by providing administrative services as a fiscal sponsor, enabling the PALS team more time to focus on what they do best-- hosting a memorable program each summer!
"Peers Using AAC for Language and Socialization," or PALS for short, and their mission is "to develop a summer program for non-verbal/augmentative communication users in a structured environment. The goal of this program would be to facilitate and foster socialization opportunities."
During the week of August 15-19, PALS met at the Katz JCC and the participants engaged in a delightful menu of programming, each day having a different theme such as animals, superheroes, and more.
The week capped off with a celebration event on Friday that was open to community members to enjoy. It's nothing short of amazing what the PALS volunteers put together each and every year, and the participants are all smiles the whole time. Mazel tov to PALS for another "Pawsome" week!
In all, 12 participants in their teens and 20s from South Jersey gathered each afternoon, supported by volunteers and advocates. Most participants have been involved for much or all of the 10 years that PALS has existed, and this continuity is wonderful to see.
For more information about PALS or about the services the JCF provides, please contact the JCF today at 856-673-2528 or marketingjcf@jfedsnj.org.